Keeps the Locals Moving
Taking on multinational competitors in the fuel industry

Go’on is the local gas station – and proud to be so. But when you are small and local how can you possibly steal market shares from your multinational competitors such as Shell and Q8 – in a market which is shrinking year after year?

Embrace the locals

The strategy was simple: Go’on cultivated the local base and said it straight out with a new payoff embracing the relationship to local customers: "Go'on – keeps the locals moving".

But Go’on didn’t just keep the locals moving with fuel. Go’on got involved in the local Denmark and celebrated The Local Patriot of the Year (Årets Lokale Ildsjæl) – a person who makes a significant difference in the local community. In this way, Go'on stood up against the prejudice about the so-called ”Outsider-Denmark” (Udkantsdanmark) where nothing ever happens.

The nomination of The Local Patriot was launched with a fiery Facebook-video that denounced the myth of the dying outskirts – and encouraged everyone to nominate a local candidate for The Local Patriot of the Year.

Higher knowledge – And sales

The video spread quickly in the target group and reached more than 800.000 Danes (73% organic). But the rest of the campaign was an even larger event on Facebook with thousands nominating, voting and otherwise sharing The Local Patriot of the Year. Altogether, the campaign had a total reach of 4,5 million which converted to the following results

Knowledge: Doubled.
Sales index: 277.
ROMI: 5,5