Envision now in Copenhagen

An Aarhus beacon of advertising now in Copenhagen

During the last ten years, Aarhus advertising agency Envision has grown to become one of the biggest and most successful players in Danish advertising. Today the agency will open in Copenhagen with further goals in offering its strong full-service competencies all over Denmark.

“We’re opening in Copenhagen for several reasons. First of all, we’re experiencing a vast demand for what we have to offer as a full-service agency. Our strategic approach to creativity as a driver for effective campaigns across all media has led to a growth of new customers and partnerships – in Zealand too. Naturally, this is a development we strive to foster”, says Anders Tranæs, CEO at Envision.

 He continues: ”Secondly, it means we can move in with more of our sister companies at First Chair Group. From now on, there’ll be consulting houses in both Aarhus and Copenhagen, and there’ll be more than 100 specialists covering advertising, communication, events, recruitment and management.”

 Envision already owned 60% of the agency Anew. Now the last shares have been bought as well. The former partners in Anew, Mads Duzenius Christensen, Esben Amtorp and Jakob Blom have converted their shares to shares in Envision – this way making a solid starting point for growing business in the capital, with three partners and 12 employees at the office in Ny Østergade.

Mads Duszenius also believes the new constellation opens up for more opportunities: “We will continuously focus on great creative solutions. But with the merger comes a lot of special competencies, for instance in strategy, business development and in-house film production. Just like the creative teams today, the specialists will be working across the country as one gathered unit. This makes it possible to put together the absolute perfect teams for a specific task – and this, we believe, will translate to even better solutions for our customers.”

Envision Copenhagen opens on October 1st 2020.